professional line

Uncover the best of d'vine®
In addition to "back bar" sizes of all products, d'vine® offers a complete line of face, body and medical spa treatment products exclusively for professionals. This refined collection of highly efficient products enhances every spa treatment, from head to toe. Spa visitors experience quick results and beautiful, healthier skin.

Adopting the line
d'vine® can easily enhance the services offered at any spa by adding unique treatments to their menu. The d'vine® team helps customize treatments as well as incorporate vine therapy into spa services. Adopting the line is made easy through continuous support and in depth educational programs.

Promoting your spa through vine therapy
Offering the vine therapy experience brings a special flair to all spas. d'vine® has designed a broad collection of promotional materials to boost visibility, attract new customers and create a pleasant ambiance.

Contact us for more information at 041 420 6035.

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